ESL, vidutinis lygis

Speaking: The Broadcast

Welcome to Radio News and now over to our ......... who's covering the procession this morning.
Hi listeners, I should explain that I have a ......... eye view of this magnificent sight as the parade passes underneath me.
To tell you the truth I shouldn't be ......... up here on top of this large statue of Field Marshal Smith.
There is a long line of soldiers on horseback marching to the sound of a ......... band.
It really is quite uncomfortable up here and there's a policeman ......... at me, which I don't like.
After the soldiers I can see a group of circus ......... who are jumping and dancing as they go.
Next I can see some pensioners slowly moving along the road and some can't walk and are in ..........
That policeman is getting out his ......... and walking near the statue I'm sitting on.
It has started to rain and I shall get ......... to the skin if I stay much longer up here.
Oh dear, listeners, I shall have to return you to the studio because the policeman says he is going to ......... me.