ESL, vidutinis lygis

Real Life: Eating Out (1)

I want to order an ......... tonight. I like to have a little something before the main meal comes out. How about the calamari?
I want you to give my compliments to the .......... Tonight's dinner was fabulous. Please tell him he did a great job cooking our meals.
I love salad and I always get either Italian or French ......... on mine.
Another word for appetizer is .......... This refers to a starter dish or the first course and comes out before the main meal is served.
I like my steak to be prepared .......... I like it fully cooked with no bloody juices flowing out of it.
An alcoholic beverage that is mixed with either juice or milk is called a ..........
Can I see a ......... please? I want to see what kind of food you serve before we come in and sit down.
When a person calls a restaurant, in advance, in order to book a table so that they don't have to wait to be seated, this is called making a ..........
Wow! This ......... is huge and looks delicious. I'm so glad I didn't order an appetizer before the main course.
I think I'll have the cheeseburger with fries and I can also get an order of hot wings on the ..........