ESL, vidutinis lygis

Phrasal idioms with the verb 'look'

Students were instructed to use the Internet ......... some information about Australia for the class project.
The treasurer assured his constituents that he would ......... the scandal shortly after the results of the general election were made public.
My attorney advised me ......... the terms and conditions of the insurance policy several times so that I was fully aware of what I was getting myself into.
I have always ......... my grandfather because he has lived such an amazing life.
I ......... my laptop in the car, in my office and even under the bed, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
Airport authorities advised passengers to ......... suspicious-looking people passing through the international terminal.
The view from the penthouse suite of the five-star hotel ......... over the Pacific Ocean.
Students were given five minutes to ......... the examination paper before they were told to start writing.
My family finally made the painful decision to admit my grandmother to a nursing home, as she is no longer capable of ......... herself.
When I accused the hospital of giving me the wrong medicine, the management ......... the matter very carefully.