ESL, vidutinis lygis

Irregular Verbs Test (12)

The large vessel ......... in the Atlantic Ocean more than 200 years ago.
Henry ......... around the whole course in the golf cart we rented last week.
We ......... too much money when we went to Hawaii last year. This year, we're going to the Napa Valley.
Christie ......... her milk all over the kitchen table. She's very clumsy sometimes.
Samuel is very stressed out. His head is ......... because he has to make so many serious decisions within a short time.
Yesterday, Carrie ......... out her peas when she tried them for the first time. She's a very picky eater.
The little frog ......... from the pond at once. He scared us all at first.
Mrs. Montgomery told Shawn to ......... in the corner. She didn't approve of his behavior in class that day.
I know it's hard, but you have to ......... with it. You'll graduate soon.
I got ......... by a bee last summer. It hurt a lot.