ESL, vidutinis lygis

Hitchhiking (1)

Some people choose to hitchhike in North America; however, authorities ......... this kind of behavior because there are some inherent risks involved.
......... a ride is dangerous for a number of reasons.
Many hitchhikers have encountered and reported problems in the past and some have never been ......... from again.
However, some people do it in spite of the risks in order to ......... money while traveling around the continent.
People do ......... good Samaritans while hitchhiking; however, everyone should be wary of strangers.
Listening to your ........., that little voice inside of you, is absolutely necessary when hitchhiking or when choosing to give a stranger a ride.
Some hitchhikers are young people who want to travel around the continent on a ......... budget.
Some hitchhikers are very young ......... who are trying to get away from their homes for various reasons.
Some hitchhikers will stand at the entrance ......... of major highways, hoping to get a ride from someone who has just entered the highway or freeway and is willing to stop.
Others will hang out in ......... areas hoping to get a ride from truckers or other motorists who have stopped in order to take a break from driving.