ESL, vidutinis lygis

Grammar Tutorial: Avoid Verb Tense Shifts (2)

She works in a coffee shop and, therefore, ......... various types of specialty coffee and tea for customers.
The rocket took off into the air and the crowd ......... in a wild manner.
While the music plays in the plaza, people ......... around and enjoy the evening, summer weather.
You should stop playing those games and ......... to bed as soon as possible.
Why don't you drop off my mother first and then come back and ......... us up. I promise we'll be ready by the time you get back.
The CEO scheduled the meeting and also ......... a serious memo out to everyone in the office about the company's performance lately.
I will go to the play first and then I ......... you up afterwards.
My husband not only replaced the rotten boards in the deck but also ......... the deck area so it's much bigger now.
The employees are not happy about the way things are running around here so they want to ......... to you about their concerns.
Christmas only comes around once a year so let's ......... the festivities.