ESL, vidutinis lygis

Confusing Words test (6)

The skating ......... performed very well in both the short and long programs.
I want you to ......... the restaurant tonight. I always decide and I'm tired of trying to find new and interesting places to eat.
Joanne told her young daughter that it is impolite to ......... at people.
Rebecca is very nervous because later this afternoon she has to ......... with the executive vice-president of the firm.
Thomas tried to give blood this past week, but the new nurse said she couldn't draw a sample. She was unable to find a suitable ......... in Thomas's arm.
Bears' diets consist mainly of fish and ..........
Carson felt ......... and nauseous. He wondered if he'd gotten food poisoning from the seafood restaurant he'd dined in earlier in the evening.
In the summer months, the ......... usually rises at 5 am and sets at about 9 pm.
The bus driver was issued a new .......... He thought it would be a nice change, because it was in a quieter area of the city.
The heavy rain fell hard against the window ......... all day long. By nightfall, the streets and sewers were overflowing with excess water.