ESL, vidutinis lygis

What now?

Did you hear the story about the woman who said she could tell the .........?
I hope you haven't because I'm about to ......... it to you now.
Her name was Mary Smith and she had a ......... for telling people what was going to happen.
Somebody once used her advice and made a ......... out of buying shares in a small company that did well.
The strange thing was that she never actually used her ......... to benefit herself.
People started to be ......... of her and thought that perhaps she had a secret source of information.
Some others wanted to try and ......... her out and prove that she didn't have this special ability.
The plan was to pretend to ......... her house late one night and see if she was really any good at knowing it was going to happen.
Mike Andrews, whose idea it was, intended to give everything back but he just wanted to ......... her ability.
As Mr Andrews was about to leave he found a note pinned to his door. It was from Mary Smith advising him to be careful because she has just bought a ......... young guard dog.