ESL, vidutinis lygis

How to compliment

You look ......... in that dress, Amanda. How beautiful you are.
I can honestly say I haven't had such a ......... meal for ages.
I must get to know the name of your ......... so that I can buy a suit like that.
I must ......... you on your performance in the play — it was remarkable.
One can tell immediately that you are a ......... by the accomplished way you perform.
I honestly can't believe that you are ......... enough to have such grown up children.
Even if I ......... for a hundred years, I couldn't possibly reach your standard.
You certainly don't look your .......... What's your secret?
It's always a ......... talking to you — you know so much!
Thank you very much for your letter. As always it's ......... to read.