ESL, vidutinis lygis

English Slang Idioms (47)

That guy gets angry and talks back to the boss way too much. He'd better cool his ......... before he gets fired!
"Going bowling sounds great! I haven't gone bowling in a coon's .........," Nathan said to Ken.
Do you realize that if that patent goes through, we will be the only company with a product that cures that type of cancer? We'll corner the .........!
"I haven't eaten since noon. I'm so hungry I could eat a .........," Mattie said to Mark.
I don't like either candidate. I don't give two ......... about who wins the election.
"Did you do anything in the warehouse, Ned? Or were you just back there counting ......... until your shift was over?" his boss asked. He had caught him sleeping on the job last week and was still mad about it.
"Your teenage life isn't that bad, Chris. You should just ......... your blessings that you don't have to work full-time like your grandpa," his grandmother said.
Remember that if someone tells you how far away something is, it's in ......... miles. It is always farther away than people around here say it is.
"Makes sure that you cover all of your ......... when you arrest the senator and read him his rights, Jack," the police chief said.
"He used these huge bolts on his project when little screws would have worked just fine. That's like cracking a nut with a .........!" the contractor joked.