ESL, vidutinis lygis

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He has to ......... a doctor. That rash on his foot is getting worse.
Have you ......... Tim this morning? I've been looking for him everywhere.
Our babysitter ......... us when my parents want a night out together.
I love ......... at our wedding album. It was such a wonderful day!
She ......... at several blouses before buying one.
I can't ......... very well without glasses, so I'm thinking about Lasik surgery to correct my vision problems.
The children were allowed to ......... two television programs before bed.
You should have ......... this coming! He was only after your money, and everyone told you that. You shouldn't be so surprised!
Employee: I'm sorry, Sir. I wasn't able to finish the reports last night.Boss: I .......... So, do you think you'll have time to finish them today?
Did you ......... him punch the boss? I didn't, but I heard all about it.