ESL, vidutinis lygis

Good, Well and Okay Test (1)

We should strive for world peace for the ......... of mankind.
I hope Dorothy gets away soon. I think a relaxing vacation will do her a world of ..........
Tom lived in Japan for 10 years. He speaks Japanese very ..........
You look great! That new outfit looks very ......... on you.
I know she's going through a rough time right now, but I think she'll be ......... in time.
You've already completed a lot of work for him. That's ......... enough for today.
When you're training a dog, you should always use phrases such as "......... dog!" to show praise for good behavior.
Hockey players must be able to skate extremely ......... in order to make it to the National Hockey League.
Is she going to be .........? She slipped on some ice last night and I'm worried about her.
James was upset because he didn't do very ......... on his chemistry exam last week.