ESL, vidutinis lygis

Common 'Get' Usage (1)

I told you that I don't want to see you ever again. Get ......... of my house!
It took him a long time to get ......... the death of his wife. However, he's coping with the loss better now.
You have to get ......... of a lot of the junky items you've amassed while we've lived here. You're such a hoarder!
OK. Let's get the ball .......... We only have an hour to discuss this issue.
I don't know how you got ......... the rules that apply to everyone else. You are pretty sly.
Let's get .......... I want to discuss a lot of things during this meeting and we can't waste any time.
There was a terrible snow storm last night. My car got ......... in the deep snow. Luckily, three men stopped to help me, and they were able to push me out.
I want you to get the ......... on our competitors. Find out what they're advertising strategies are so that we can outsell them in the next quarter.
I think I've finally got the ......... of it. I'm getting really good at using this machine now. Thanks for training me.
I want to get the ......... on our competitors. So, let's have an early meeting so that we can come up with a new strategy before they do.