ESL, vidutinis lygis


Jim and Nancy want to have a baby. They've been trying to ......... for more than a year now.
Joanne said her hair and fingernails were very healthy while she was pregnant because her ......... levels increased during her pregnancy.
When Christine first got pregnant, the ......... growing inside of her was very small.
As Christine's pregnancy progressed, the ......... grew and the doctor said everything looked good.
I'm afraid of ......... birth because I think it'll hurt.
When a baby is born, it's called a(n) ..........
Lorraine was only seven months pregnant when she had to have an emergency Cesarean ..........
Tom cried when he cut the ......... cord when his baby was born.
Sylvia went into ......... at 4 pm and she had the baby two hours later.
The doctor ......... Betty's baby in the middle of night.