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English Slang Idioms (383)

"I almost quit several times since the job was so hard, but I'm glad I stayed to see things .......... Now I have the satisfaction of enjoying a job well done," Jim said to Tony.
"I don't expect to change apathetic students overnight, but I hope that some of the things I say will plant a ......... that will grow over time so that they will find some purpose one day," the college professor told his friend.
America romanticizes and idolizes the self-......... man, the person who starts with nothing and through hard work is able to achieve his dreams and prosper.
"Tim is too self-......... for me. I won't date a man who always talks about himself and only cares about himself," Lilly said to Nancy.
"I can't believe you ......... me down the river by telling the teacher I snapped Bill with a towel. I thought we were friends," Jake said to Nick.
Many rock bands in the United States have been accused of ......... out. Fans complain that they change their styles to make more money instead of sticking to their own unique brand of music.
"Being humble is a good thing, but don't sell yourself .......... You're extremely talented at graphic design, and you should be proud of that," the boss told Elizabeth.
"Bill is such a good salesman! He's actually the best I've ever seen. He could sell ......... to the Eskimos!" the boss told her assistant.
"The new guy showed up to the job site drunk, so I sent him .........," Joe told the foreman.
"I'm glad you sent him about his .......... A work site is dangerous if an enebriated employee is working there. Good job, Joe!" The foreman replied.