ESL, vidutinis lygis

English Slang Idioms (366)

The National Guard brigade made it through the long, arduous run to a ..........
The presidential advisor was not sure that the president would survive, politically, the .........out if the press got word of the scandal.
"You said that Ned is a self-centered, egomaniac who uses shock tactics to appear cool and rebellious? That description fits him to a .........!" Blake said to Eileen.
"Which guitar amp is better? They're both the same, for all intents and .........," James explained to Paul.
"I'm so tired! I've been running to and ......... between here and different stores all day getting ready for our big trip," Shelly said to Angela.
"Now that I'm done with my presentation, Jeff Berz is up to .......... He's going to talk to us about ergonomics in the workplace. Let's give him a big round of applause," Lisa told the conference.
"The man I talked to wasn't very informative, and he was rude to .........! I think we should call a different company for insurance," Lilly said to her husband.
"If one more person in this office tells me that joke, I am going to scream! It's been told to .........!" Juliet said to Mark.
"The neighbors asked us to stop having guests, since one of them sleeps during the day and the other sleeps at night. To heck ......... that! That's their problem," Tommy told his wife.
"I heard Jill thinks that I use people. I wish she'd say that to my .........! I hate it when people talk about you behind your back," Matt said to Craig.