ESL, vidutinis lygis

Fertility Issues

Some ......... couples, who want to have children, have to explore other options if they're unable to have a baby of their own.
......... is a real problem for people who want to have children but can't do so for a variety of reasons.
A woman who is unable to have children is ..........
Some men have a low sperm ......... and this can cause problems for couples who want to have kids.
Women who have a difficult time getting pregnant will often take ......... drugs in an attempt to help pregnancy along.
Some couples consider ......... as an option; whereby, they hire a fertile woman to carry and have a child for them.
Others consider ......... as a way to get and nurture a child.
......... fertilization is a scientific procedure; whereby, an egg is fertilized with sperm outside of the body and then implanted back into a woman's womb.
There are many reasons why some women can't ......... birth to a child.
......... parents are genetically related to a child.