ESL, vidutinis lygis

Hitchhiking (2)

You might also see hitchhikers who've drawn or painted ......... indicating which city, state, region etc. is their next destination.
Others will hold out their thumbs so that drivers can quickly recognize this kind of hand ......... as a hitchhiker who wants a ride.
As a result, some motorists will stop to give hitchhikers a ..........
Would you ever stop to ......... up a hitchhiker?
Both hitchhikers and the motorists take a ......... of faith when they agree to this kind of driving arrangement.
However, faith or not, all hitchhikers and drivers need to use ......... sense and should trust their judgment in these kinds of scenarios.
People who want to ......... a ride do so for many reasons and should carefully think about the risks that are involved.
As a rule of ........., hitchhikers should avoid solo drivers, especially at night.
If you are going to hitchhike, listen to your ......... and don't accept a ride if you don't feel comfortable doing so.
Would you ever ......... thumbing a ride?