ESL, vidutinis lygis

Irregular Verbs Test (7)

Every year, Canada Geese ......... south for the winter, so they must have a lot of endurance.
I know I have to get my oil changed, but I ......... to do it today.
I forgot her birthday, but she readily ......... me because I told her about my busy schedule.
All of my tropical plants ......... because of the snowstorm last night.
I like to buy whole-bean coffee so I can ......... the beans when I get home. It seems to taste better that way.
I ......... a beautiful framed photograph on my living room wall this past weekend. I just love it!
Taylor loves to play .........-and-seek with her friends from school.
At the little league baseball game on Sunday, John ......... a home run and everyone cheered.
Every night, Sarah ......... down beside her bed to pray.
Sandra doesn't feel well, so I told her to ......... down for a little while.