ESL, vidutinis lygis

English Slang Idioms (35)

"I think Steve should get the promotion. He has a great service record and has a reputation for always going by the .........," Arnold said to Craig.
When his team asked him how to perform their processing duties, he told them they should go by the ......... to reduce the chance of errors.
"If the office does well, his speeches are full of praise, but by the same ........., he ought to be more understanding when things get messed up," Elsa told Tina.
"Wow, I barely made it to work on time today, and I just met my deadline. I'm flying by the seat of my ......... today, I guess," Max told Donna.
"Yes, you could spend the money to put new appliances in your mobile home, but in my opinion, that cake is not worth the .........," the real estate agent said.
He decided to shave his head because he had a cow......... at the back that stuck out no matter what he did to try to control it.
"I know you like that car and want to fix it up, but it's a piece of junk, Jim. Your money would be better spent on a new one. Sorry, but I have to call a spade a .........." Tex told him.
"I know I screwed up, Kim. I'm expecting to get called on the ......... any moment now," Corky told her.
"Detective, you know I'm innocent. We've worked together for 25 years. Call your ......... off and go after the guilty party," Eric said.
"I'm being promoted and transferred to Tennessee, Gloria. You'll be calling the ......... here from now on," her supervisor told her.