ESL, vidutinis lygis

Conditional Tenses

If I ......... you, I wouldn't risk it.
If they had waited another month, they could probably ......... a better price for their house
It's quite simple really. When it's cold, water ..........
If he decides to accept that job, he ......... it for the rest of his life.
If you ......... of applying for that job, my advice is: forget it.
If he hadn't been driving so fast, he ......... have hit the motorcyclist.
......... he been more careful, he would have spotted the mistake.
If she goes on passing her exams, ......... soon be qualified to practise as a lawyer.
If I pay you twice as much, will you ......... to finish by Tuesday?
If only I'd invested in that company, I'd ......... a millionaire by now.