ESL, vidutinis lygis

To Ban or Not to Ban

When people are not allowed to enter a building, organization, company etc. they are ......... or prohibited from doing so.
Do you think it's OK to ......... your children when they do something wrong or do you believe that you should never put your hands on children in order to discipline them?
Are there tobacco and/or ......... bans in your country?
Some people think that you can discipline children by implementing ......... systems. This is when you force a child to take a break so that he/she can think about the improper behavior he/she partook in earlier.
Other parents discipline their children by ......... them when they do something wrong. This is when a child/teenager is not allowed to leave the house and partake in outdoor activities for a specified amount of time.
Do you think you can ......... with children or are they incapable of understanding logic and common sense?
Do you agree with ......... punishment? This is when authority figures are allowed to hit others in schools, prisons etc.
In some countries, public displays of affection are not permitted so this is an example of a ......... ban.
When something causes a lot of disagreement among people, the issue in question is called .......... The idea of spanking children causes a lot of disagreements around the world.
......... is banned in many public places in various countries. People shouldn't be permitted to strew or throw garbage around.