ESL, vidutinis lygis

Lots of Stuff

Personally I don't believe a word of it and if you want my opinion I think it's all stuff and ..........
You know the kind of things politicians talk about: health care, education, welfare and stuff ......... that.
He'd carefully avoided having any alcohol until he was twenty-five and then he had a small drop of the ......... stuff.
You shouldn't really have any difficulties with the work they're doing as it's very basic in fact you could call it ......... stuff.
It's quite clear she's studied the subject very thoroughly and when she lectured, you could tell she ......... her stuff.
Now remember when you get up to speak, we're all relying on you to impress everyone and we expect you to ......... your stuff.
It's very difficult to make him enjoy himself, relax and take it easy because he always behaves like a stuffed ..........
......... the stuff! I want to hear it loud and clear and as much of it as you can manage. Well done!
If you really want to lose weight, the only way is to eat less and stop stuffing your ......... every five minutes!
It came as a great shock to him when he heard the news and quite ......... the stuffing out of him for days.