ESL, aukštasis lygis

When good business goes bad

The firm needed to......... its products as its target market began to buy elsewhere.
Unfortunately, it appears that the ......... has fallen out of the retail sector. Many department store workers are now without work.
A recent ......... in clothing sales has caused many people to worry about the future of the textile industry.
According to one CEO, companies which borrowed heavily last year may soon come to ......... this decision as their profit margins continue to shrink.
Several leading economists have voiced their concerns over the continued use of ......... marketing models. No two companies are alike, claim these economists. It is much better for each company to develop its own distinctive marketing strategy.
There was a high ......... of back injuries among the logistics staff. The health and safety officer was concerned that workers were being asked to carry objects which were far too heavy.
As punishment for his involvement in serious fraud, the financial director was ......... of his job title.
In several industry sectors, women are unable to reach the top ranks of their companies due to the so-called ......... factor. Men with equal skills are often promoted ahead of their female counterparts.
The company has been unable to achieve a noticable price ......... between their older model and more recent ones. This is because the original design was so advanced that it has needed to be changed very little in over twenty years!
As it was impossible to......... the exact costings of the venture, the resource department decided not to forge ahead with the plan.