ESL, aukštasis lygis

Advertising: Verbs (2)

Companies try to ......... more sales by using celebrity endorsements. They feel that if viewers see celebrities using their products, everyday folks will want to buy these same items.
Companies use billboards to ......... attention on city streets and highways.
Many years ago, companies used to ......... subliminal messages in movies and TV programs. However, this practice is now illegal in Canada and the US.
Advertisers try to ......... consumers that they should buy their products or services.
Many companies and celebrities try to ......... more media attention so that they and/or their products get more exposure.
Advertisers aim to ......... consumers. If you watch any TV program, you can see how many commercials are designed to tempt viewers.
Some companies try to ......... more business by offering rewards to employees who recommend them to friends and family.
Some advertisers ......... teenagers and young children because these age groups have a lot of disposable income and are easily swayed.
However, some people believe that these advertisers are ......... children and should not be allowed to do so.
Advertisershope that people will buy their products and services, so they want their commercials to be popular and ..........