ESL, aukštasis lygis

Prepositional Phrases - In, On, Out and Under (20)

I just have to do the dishes and then I'll be ......... my way. I'll most likely see you in about forty-five minutes.
We don't currently have a set of those tires in stock. However, we do have them ......... order and we expect them on Tuesday. If you can wait two days for them, we will give you a discount.
I am sorry. I can only give you $25 of the $200 right now since I have not been paid yet. However, I can pay you ......... full, that means the total amount, on Saturday — if that works for you.
I don't see a transmission for a 1989 Honda out here either. I am sorry; you are ......... of luck. You may want to try the junk yard across town.
I felt a little ......... of my element at that party. Everyone there was on the management team and I was the only mechanic.
You made another mistake, Joe. You filled out the orange form ......... error. You should have filled out the green one. We need you to pay closer attention to what you are doing.
Sorry, Jenny. We had to cancel the trip on Saturday ......... account of the weather. We are supposed to have thunder showers all weekend.
Please don't fire me. I wasn't trying to trick anyone. I made the mistake ......... good faith. I just looked at the wrong numbers when giving the presentation.
He's going ......... vacation again? How many vacation days does he get a year? One hundred?
Joe works ......... Bob Strathon, the Chief Financial Officer, as a risk analyst. Bob is his superior and Joe says he's a pretty good boss.