ESL, aukštasis lygis

Different 'Light' Usages (2)

Can you turn on a light, please? The ......... in here is too poor to read with at the moment.
When the lights go out in the winter, my wife and I light candles. After the candles are ........., we build a fire and wrap ourselves in a warm blanket.
We were glad when Jimmy cracked a joke after the couple fought at the party. We needed something to ......... the mood after all that tension.
Uncle Ron got drunk at the Christmas party again. By two in the afternoon, he was ......... up like a Christmas candle.
We just traveled to the coast and got to see some very cool ......... houses. These shine bright lights out to sea to let sailors know that land is nearby.
This year is the first year we decorated our house for Christmas. We got a Christmas tree, ornaments, a nativity scene, and some Christmas ......... for the front of our house.
We had a bad storm last night. The ......... started several fires in the area and the thunder kept the kids awake all night.
He couldn't wait for the college semester to be over and for the hiking trip to begin. He was ready for some .........-hearted fun after all that studying.
He had gone to school for more than five years and was just beginning his final semester. There was ......... at the end of the tunnel — at last.
Tom's son is so lazy. He is very smart but doesn't engage himself. Someone needs to ......... a fire under his rear to get him motivated!