ESL, aukštasis lygis

Real Life: Traffic and Roadways (2)

A(n) ......... is marked and specifies where pedestrians should cross a street.
......... lights are found in most cities and towns. These are light fixtures at intersections that show red, green or amber at different times.
......... are large structures that allow for safe land passage over large chasms or rivers.
A parking ......... is a large area for parking one's car. These are often foundat malls and other retail outlets.
......... are roadways that offer direct routes, and vehicles can travel at high speeds on them. If you want to get off this kind of roadway, you have wait for an exit to do so.
Make a left at the ......... sign. Make sure you come to a complete halt first, or you could get a ticket.
A(n) ......... is a roadway that crosses above another roadway using a bridge-like structure.
A ......... is an engineered passageway that goes through a mountain or some other kind of obstruction.
An ......... is a passageway that is constructed so that vehicles can travel underneath another roadway or a railway.
......... are major highway systems that contain few or no intersections. These are divided roadways, and they are constructed for fast traveling speeds.