ESL, aukštasis lygis

Bite, Bit, Bitten

She certainly won't invest in that company again having lost a fortune — it's a case of once bitten twice ..........
He may seem very angry but don't worry his ......... is worse than his bite.
They were so angry with me they practically bit my ......... off.
I think he'll succeed but it's a lot of work and sometimes he feels he's bitten off more than he can ..........
In view of the way things have improved I now feel confident enough to have another bite at the ..........
I'm very sorry to tell you that your scheme has failed and it has well and truly bitten the ..........
It must have come as a great shock to get the sack but I'm afraid you'll just have to accept it and bite the ..........
I can't believe that he's turning against his own parents — it's like biting the hand that ......... you.
My advice to you is to resist saying anything at the moment and simply bite your ..........
I know she would really like to say exactly what she feels but I believe she should bite her ..........