ESL, aukštasis lygis

'Break' Common Usages (1)

Sheila and Ted broke ......... last night. They had been dating for more than three years, but their relationship is over now.
I am completely .......... I have no money and I don't know how I'm going to pay my rent tomorrow. Can you lend me some money?
His mother died last week, but he's still really ......... up about it. I'm going to bring him a nice casserole so that he doesn't have to cook.
Someone ......... into my car twice this past month. I want to move. It's obviously a bad neighborhood.
My car broke ......... on the way back from Utah. We were stranded in the desert until a nice man stopped to help us out.
She's so beautiful! She's going to be a real heart ......... when she grows up.
I bought a new pair of high heel shoes. I'm going to wear them around the house today so that I can ......... them in properly. That way, they won't hurt my feet in the future.
My friend works as a bouncer at a local bar. He's a really strong guy and he was hired to break ......... fights that patrons might get into after a few drinks. He also checks the patrons' identification before they enter the bar.
My friend is a real estate .......... She has many real estate agents who work for her and they have to pay brokerage fees every time they sell a house.
I don't want to get into a serious relationship right now. I just got out of a very long relationship and I got hurt. I'm afraid that my heart will get ......... again, so I want to play it safe and stay single for awhile.