ESL, aukštasis lygis

Money: Buying and Spending (1)

When I walk into a clothing store, I scan the ......... for clearance items. I'm pretty thrifty, so I like to look for bargains.
Do you have any smaller .........? All I have is a twenty.
How much does this sweater .........?
My monthly ......... are really high right now. I have a lot of credit card debt that I have to pay off.
Can I pay this loan off in .........? Maybe about $200 per month for 24 months?
The ......... of this car is really high. I saw this exact make, model and year for about $3000 less yesterday.
I want to ......... these jeans. Do you take credit cards?
Oh my gosh! I think I lost my black leather .......... I had everything in there! What am I going to do?
I'd like to return this blouse. I have my ......... showing the date I purchased it right here.
Fuller's Furniture is slashing prices! There are huge price ........., so let's go shopping!