ESL, aukštasis lygis

'Bull' Related Terms (2)

I know that this trip around the world intimidates you. But, sometimes, you have to take the bull by the ......... and just go for it!
The thieves were able to steal four gold ......... from the bank safe last week. These are solid gold bars and they are worth a lot of money.
Guns are very dangerous weapons because ......... are shot out of them at very high speeds.
My husband is so stubborn sometimes. He is especially bull-......... about our family vacations!
My co-worker is ......... of bull. She is always telling tall tales and you can't believe a word she says!
Our school has ......... tolerance for bullies. This means that we will not tolerate any kind of bullying at all. Any student caught doing so will be expelled!
When investment and stock prices increase, analysts call this a bull ......... trend.
My professor wants me to use ......... points when making lists in my term paper.
Many police officers wear bullet ......... vests in dangerous situations. These vests shield and protect officers from being wounded by a gun shot.
My son was being ......... at school by a very aggressive, older boy. I talked to the principal and he said he would take care of this problem situation.