ESL, aukštasis lygis

Employment (1)

If you want to work for this company, you have to come into the office and ......... for the job first.
You can come into the office and fill out an application, or you can ......... a completed application online.
If you don't want to fill out an application for this position, you can give us a(n) ......... that lists your education, experience and pertinent skills.
Once we receive your information, we will ......... your skills, education and experience levels.
If we feel that you are a qualified candidate, we will then schedule a(n) ......... to discuss the position with you.
We will also do a ......... check on you to confirm your education, experience, and any criminal record.
We will also ask you for three ......... from people unrelated to you who can vouch for your character and/or capabilities.
Make sure that all of your ......... employment information is listed and up to date, because we will need to contact the companies that you previously worked for.
We will contact you by phone if we decide to ......... you for this position.
We will discuss your ......... (financial compensation) prior to offering you the job.