ESL, aukštasis lygis

Real Life: Rural vs. Urban Living

In urban areas, a lot of people live in apartment complexes. On the other hand, in rural areas, most people live in ..........
Some people like living in large cities because cities have a lot of services and cultural events. However, there are more ......... and rules imposed on city dwellers because so many people live in close proximity to each other.
An apartment-like dwelling that a person purchases in North America is often called a ..........
Our friends love living in the countryside. They say that they really like the privacy and the peacefulness of rural areas. However, they have complained about the lack of ......... services available to them. The county government is now working on getting more police, fire and ambulance services in that area.
In case of some kind of catastrophic event, homeowners often buy house ......... to provide them with some kind of financial security. This type of policy gives homeowners specified amounts of compensation should a disaster strike.
City dwellers often complain about living in close proximity to others because they feel a constant need to live up to the standards set by their neighbors. This is called keeping up with the ..........
On the other hand, people who live in rural areas complain about ......... neighbors because there are fewer people in these areas and everyone knows your business.
In larger cities, there are many forms of ......... such as cabs, buses, trains and subways.
In cities, many people feel like there is a lack of privacy because cities are ......... populated areas.
On the contrary, people who live in rural areas say they often feel somewhat ......... because most neighbors are far away.