ESL, aukštasis lygis

Corporate Culture (4)

This city is quite transient but I still like it because of the fancy tourist shops. Another way to say that a city is transient is to say that ..........
The managers want to create a new motto for the company and they want the message to be distinct. What does distinct mean? ..........
"I assure you that I will remember how hard you worked last month." In this sentence, Mrs. Jones ......... John's efforts.
The library has an extensive selection of books. What does extensive mean? ..........
If a company is going to devise a better machine, that means the engineers/designers are going to ..........
Mr. Smith told his employees that, in spite of the current economic crisis and upcoming recession, they have to be optimistic about the company's future. Mr. Smith wants his employees to remain ..........
You have done such a good job and your sagacity will be remembered when it comes to bonuses this year. In this case, sagacity refers to ..........
Joseph and Carrie are having a dispute about the new project at work. In other words, they are ..........
......... is a written commitment that specifies a company's goals, aims and, sometimes, its standard practices.