ESL, aukštasis lygis

World-Related Phrases (1)

He is so happy because he finally got that long-awaited promotion. He is on ......... of the world.
I wouldn't jeopardize my position in this company. I know that we could make a lot of money by embezzling funds but I won't do it not for ......... the world!
Oh, come on. Your haircut isn't that bad. It's not the ......... of the world. Everything will be OK because it will grow back.
Those recent vampire-inspired books have ......... the world on fire! Everyone is talking about the stories and the characters.
She is able to work from home but she can also come into the office to do research and meet with clients. She gets the best of ......... worlds in this profession.
He never pays attention to what I say anymore. He's so preoccupied and in a world of his ..........
That new CD is ......... of this world! It's wonderful and I love it!
The world-......... web has really changed people's lives, and it will continue to contribute to increased globalization efforts.
He won't wake up because he stayed up so late last night. He's ......... to the world so don't even waste your time.
This country is very poor and not modernized at all. I think it's a .........-world country.