ESL, aukštasis lygis

Recession and Financial Terms (2)

Beginning with the stock market crash in 1929, the ......... Depression in the United States lasted through the 1930s. Many businesses went under during that time and unemployment was very high.
When a percentage of the work force is seeking jobs but can't obtain them this is called ..........
During the recession, there was a ......... crunch. Businesses weren't able to obtain financing easily.
During the recession, many businesses had to pay high ......... rates to obtain available capital because it was in short supply.
Many lenders made faulty ......... to home buyers before the recession. This was one factor that led to the recession. Many of these buyers were not able to afford the large mortgages made available to them and should not have received them in the first place.
Before the recession, ......... companies approved real estate loans that their own credit criteria worthiness recommended against. When clients defaulted, several of these companies weren't able to withstand the losses and were either absorbed by other companies or they went out of business.
During the recession, the real ......... markets were hit hard. For example, many houses in California lost more than half their previous value.
Sometimes a government will inject money into an economy in an attempt to aid economic growth and end a downturn. President Obama's plan to do this was called the ......... package.
In addition to injecting currency into the economy to spur growth, President Obama created a temporary tax ......... for first-time homebuyers. If eligible for one of these, a tax payer can reduce his or her tax liability by a specified amount.
The movement geared toward eliminating harm caused to the environment by society and business is called the ......... movement in America.