ESL, aukštasis lygis

Real Life: Insurance Terms (1)

People get insurance in the event of an accident or ......... that may or may not take place in the future. House and car insurance plans are available for times like these.
People enter into contracts called ......... with insurance companies. This type of contract compensates a person who suffers from some kind of accidental injury or loss.
When someone takes out an insurance policy, regular payments called insurance ......... are made on an annual, twice-annual or monthly basis.
An insurance ......... is a person who works for an insurance company and sets up policies and terms with customers on behalf of the insurance company.
An insurance ......... is money that is paid to a customer who has experienced some kind of loss or injury that is covered under his/her policy.
Sometimes, when tragedies occur, an insurance company may pay the policy holder in one ......... sum. This means that the insurance money is paid out all at one time rather than partial payments made over a period of time.
If you go on a vacation to another country, you can purchase ......... insurance in the event some kind of unforeseen accident occurs and may require you to seek medical attention. If you have this kind of insurance, most, if not all, medical and emergency bills will be paid through your policy.
When people get car insurance, they not only have accidental insurance in place but they also get fire and ......... coverage. This means that the policy holder is covered in case of fire damage as well as if another party steals the vehicle or any contents inside the vehicle.
A ......... is a request for money that must be paid by an insurance company. This is made when an accident or theft occurs and the policy holder wants to be compensated for the amount that was agreed upon by the insurance company beforehand.
A customer who enters into an insurance policy agreement with an insurance company is called a policy ..........