ESL, aukštasis lygis

Real Life: Animals & Habitats (3)

Animals that don't have hair or fur but rather have scaly, rough skin are called .......... These animals are cold-blooded and often travel by slithering around on their bellies, like snakes, or by running or walking on shorter legs like lizards generally do.
Animals, such as deer or cows, don't eat meat. Rather, they are called ......... because they only eat plants.
Animals that eat both plants and meat are called .......... Humans are considered part of this category.
Animals, such as tigers and lions, mainly eat meat and they are called ..........
......... are vertebrate animals whose bodies are mainly covered with feathers, rather than fur, and they have wings. In addition, these animals generally have babies that hatch from eggs.
Animals that are ......... no longer exist on Earth. Dinosaurs are an example of this.
A species that has a vague chance of lasting survival as a group and is close to extinction is called an ......... species. An example of this is the panda bear.
A species that is at risk of becoming an endangered species is known as a ......... species.
Humans, cows and dogs are examples of ......... animals.
The young or babies that are born to animals are often called .......... This is another word for the direct descendants of a particular animal.