ESL, aukštasis lygis

Real Life: Insurance Terms (2)

A ......... is a person who is named by a policy holder and compensated by an insurance company when a policy holder dies. This person is the one who receives the money that is paid out by the insurance company.
In the United States, a ......... payment is a partial payment made by a person who received medical care while covered under a group medical insurance plan.
Some insurance policies include disability .......... These are compensation terms that are in place should a policy holder become partially or fully disabled in the event of an unforeseen accident.
In order to lower insurance premiums, some people opt for a .......... This is an agreed upon amount that must be paid by a policy holder before an insurer pays out any compensation.
If a person fails to pay their insurance premiums on time, his/her account will fall into a ......... state.
When people enter into a ......... insurance policy, they do this so their families are taken care of and compensated should the insured parties die.
A no-......... insurance plan means that your own insurance company pays you for any injuries and/or property damage that occurs in minor accidents — regardless of who is to blame for the accident.
An insurance policy ......... is coverage that is continued past the specified, original term dates.
A ......... option is alternative method of payment, other than a lump sum payment, that a beneficiary can choose when a pay-out is underway.
Workers' ......... insurance is a policy that is taken out by companies in the event employees are injured or killed at work.