ESL, aukštasis lygis

Prepositional Phrases - In, On, Out and Under (26)

My son is currently ......... the instruction of a tutor for math. He has improved quite a bit since we hired the tutor.
My friends wonder how I could have turned in another friend for fraud. I guess I did it ......... of a sense of responsibility to investors and society.
I like plants, ......... general, but I don't like blackberry bushes, poison oak, or star thistles.
The Bureau of Internal Affairs has had my department ......... the microscope for a whole week now. They are searching for any signs of wrongdoing or mistakes.
Be ready for massive delays on Highway 299. Road construction is still ......... progress in four different places.
Sir, the car ......... question was a late model green Toyota. I'll get the word out to the other officers to be watching for it.
We tried to hold our relationship together but we have fallen ......... of love with each other. We made it another year and finally called it quits.
I am not sorry the boss resigned in disgrace. He has had me ......... his thumb for years and has been a real tyrant about it.
Birds are impressive creatures. I saw one swoop down and catch a fish ......... mid-air yesterday.
After five years of patiently waiting, I finally got the promotion. I felt like I was walking ......... air the entire day.