ESL, aukštasis lygis

Prepositional Phrases - On, In, Under and Out (7)

Your clothing is so ......... of date. You need a modern wardrobe and I can help you find some trendy clothing so you feel better about yourself.
Betty was caught driving ......... the influence. She was very drunk and decided to drive. A police officer saw her swerving on the highway and stopped her. Her blood alcohol level was very high and she lost her driver's license.
I'd like to wrap up the meeting now. So, ......... conclusion, the new budget plans will begin in January and I hope that you will all be able to work within them.
I can't believe you told Marcy what I said about her. I told you that ......... confidence! I will never be able to trust you again.
I am ......... favor of the new system. Our old system doesn't work properly, so we need an updated system.
You had better be ......... time on Monday. The boss will fire you if you're late one more time.
My great-grandfather used to get around ......... horseback. It was a very different world then, and horses were a very important form of transportation at that time.
......... the eve of the murder, the couple had a terrible fight, and that's why the investigators think that he killed his wife.
I am ......... strict orders. I can't let anyone into the building until the homicide detectives are finished with their investigation.
Yolanda is ......... of work right now. She hasn't worked for over three months, and she is starting to get worried. She really needs a job.