ESL, aukštasis lygis

Improving Verbal Skills

You can tell that this car has been very well made and is certainly ......... to the other makes in this garage.
It's quite obvious that whatever you like to call his remarks they are impolite and ......... to slander.
He ......... to have sailed single-handed round the world but personally I don't believe him.
In this biography she is ......... as a kind sweet old lady but in reality she was a bad tempered old witch.
He had to be ......... from all the other patients in the hospital because he had a highly contagious disease.
It's not that I don't trust you ......... I must have some evidence of your identity.
The General made absolutely sure his troops were ready for battle and ......... with the latest equipment.
People used to think the cinema would be ......... by television but it never happened because people still go to the pictures.
She ......... to be very confident on stage but inside she was feeling very nervous.
There's little point in those two firms competing for the same market as they would be much better ......... with one another.