ESL, aukštasis lygis

Reading and Comprehension (1)

When you are making multiple cuts on the same board, it is important to account for the width of the saw blade you use when taking measurements. Often, the width of a saw blade will be 1/16 of an inch, so, if this is not accounted for, your measurements will be off of an inch after four cuts or inch after eight. To correct for the width of the saw blade, simply mark each measurement 1/16 of an inch longer than its exact distance after your first measurement has been marked.This paragraph is about: .........
Succulents often grow in arid areas of the planet. They have adapted to harsher climates and are able to store water in order to make it through long periods without rain. In addition, they can also grow in environments without nutrient-rich soil. For example, they are able to grow in cracks in rocks and soil made up of mostly sand. Many are able to grow in extremely high temperatures and can survive in cold temperatures at night in the desert. These hardy plants are often used by gardeners in container gardens because many succulents stay small throughout their live span and most are easy to maintain.This paragraph is about: .........
Waterproofing a flat metal roof for the winter months can be a painful and time-consuming process. First, one has to sweep all of the debris off of the roof and then wash all of the dirt and grime off of the surface of the roof so that the sealant adheres properly. Once all debris is removed and the water has dried, one can began to apply the sealant. It is best to pick a warm, sunny day to seal a roof and it is important to check the weather to make sure rain is not expected in the few days following the sealing process. Most sealants can be applied with a paint roller. The first layer should be applied in one direction; for example, north to south. Once the first layer is completely dry, the second layer can be applied in the opposite direction. Once these layers are dry, more coats can be applied, if necessary. The roof is now ready to make it through the rainy season without any leaks.This paragraph is about: .........
To make sure a deck, a planter box, or another building project is square, one can do one of two things. The best way is to measure, diagonally, from one corner of the project to another. Next, a measurement of the other diagonal space should be obtained. If the project is square, the two diagonal measurements will be equal. If not, adjust the frame until the two measurements are the same. The next method of checking to see if a project is square is to use a tape measure to measure three inches from one corner up one side of the frame. Mark that point and then measure four inches down the other part of the frame. Mark that point as well. Measure between the two points. If the distance is exactly five inches, your project is square. If not, the frame needs to be adjusted until the diagonal measurement between the two points equals exactly five inches.This paragraph is about: .........
If you want success when painting a deck, you have to prepare beforehand. First, the deck should be inspected for paint that is peeling. If any old, peeling paint is found, it should be sanded off until a spot in the paint is reached in which nothing is peeling up off the deck. Next, the deck should be swept and washed until there is no debris or dirt left on it. These steps help to ensure that the paint will adhere properly to the deck. Next, one should use painter's tape to mask off any area that touches the deck that will not be painted. Once that is complete, you should make sure you have a durable new brush, and, perhaps a paint roller. The paint needs to be thoroughly stirred prior to beginning the job and you should make sure there is no excess paint on the brush or roller that would cause dripping when you begin. Once the painting is completed to satisfaction, the masking tape needs to be removed. If you prepare, by using these steps, your final painted product will look better and more professional, as well as last longer, than if you had gone straight to painting without any preparation.This paragraph is about: .........
One way to build a small planter box is to use some small pieces of plywood and small pieces of 2" x 4" lumber. First, the plywood can be used for the sides of the box. Cut four pieces into the desired size for the four sides. Next, cut a piece of a 2" x 4" for each corner at a size that equals the height of the box minus the width of the plywood. Use rust-resistant, hearty screws to attach the side pieces of the box to the wider, flatter side of the 2" x 4"s so that each side piece of the box has two 2" x 4"s screwed to it; one on each side. Cut a piece of plywood for the bottom and screw it to the bottom of the box. Next, drill some holes into the bottom for drainage. Add trim or other objects to decorate the new box.What is this paragraph about? .........
Buying used furniture can have many benefits. For example, old furniture may be made of sturdy wood as opposed to the weaker particle board widely used today. Also, one can find a unique style of furniture for his or her home that is not available in the new, trendy furniture stores and won't likely be found in his or her friends' houses either. Lastly, it costs only a fraction of the price to purchase and refinish old, used furniture when compared to the cost of new furniture.This paragraph is about: .........
Sometimes, buying tools that are over thirty years old can be a wise decision. For one, tools used to be built to last forever and were made out of robust, hardy materials. Today, tools are designed to last for a shorter period of time. Also, the price of old tools, as compared to new tools, can provide some serious savings to the consumer.This paragraph is about: .........
When one intends to transplant a plant from a starter pot into the ground or a larger pot, there are a couple of things he or she should do to achieve success. Once the plant is removed from the starter pot, one should check to see if the plant is "pot bound." This means check to see if the roots have reached the bottom of the pot, have grown around the bottom of the pot or are starting to grow back up the sides. If this is the case, the gardener should peel away the bottom roots and some of the side roots so that the roots will grow and be able to expand in the new soil. When the plant is put into the ground, the dirt should remain someone loose, as opposed to packed, so the roots can easily grow in the soil. One last recommendation is to put the plant a little beneath the soil surface so that water collects at its base and soaks into the roots instead of running away from the plant.This paragraph is about: .........
Reciprocity is important if one wants to have a life-long friend. If one has a friend who has given him or her a gift, a gift should be given in return at an appropriate time. If a favor has been received, one should determine a way to return it in a way that is most meaningful for the friend. Otherwise, the friend may eventually feel used and end the friendship.This paragraph is about: .........