ESL, pradinis lygis

Gerund and Infinitive Practice (11)

He continued ......... the direct questioning throughout the meeting. He is such a politician.
She finished ......... the report at 5 pm.
He allows ......... on his property. He is a very generous man and feels bad for homeless people.
David allows ......... in his house. My children, on the other hand, are not allowed to use bad language in our home.
I dread ......... my ex-boyfriend at the party.
I prefer .......... My friend, however, likes jogging better.
I finished ......... the kitchen. Can I go outside now?
I admit ......... about the boss's wrongdoings, but what was I supposed to do about them? He's the boss!
I urge you .......... Our offer is the best you're going to get in this housing market.
I enjoy ......... so much! I bought my sailboat more than 10 years ago.