ESL, pradinis lygis

Vocabulary Practice: Sharks (1)

Sharks live in the ocean and are fierce ......... that attack and eat other sea animals.
Many sharks are dangerous and I am afraid of them because they are so ..........
Great white sharks are very large and will even ......... people.
However, some types of sharks are not a threat because they don't bother or ......... people.
Sharks use their sharp teeth to ......... and kill other animals.
Sharks are sometimes useful because they eat dead animals so they help keep our oceans ..........
Sharks are strange because their skeletons are not made up of ......... like humans. Rather, they are made up of cartilage.
Other fish can float but sharks cannot so they are constantly ......... around.
Sharks don't have ......... like other fish. Rather, they have smooth, rubber-like skin.
Sharks are .........-blooded animals; whereas, dolphins are warm-blooded.