ESL, pradinis lygis

Articles in English Grammar

I want to buy ......... laptop computer next week.
Can you please go to ......... grocery store on Fifth Street and buy 2 cartons of milk?
Please meet me at the train station in ......... hour from now.
I like to watch tennis on television. It is ......... very good game.
My brother won an award for being ......... best speller in our school.
Hello, my name is Bob! I haven't anything to do tonight, so if you're not busy, would you like to watch ......... movie or something with me?
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw ......... elephant crossing the road in front of my school yesterday.
How much will it cost to go on ......... holiday to Bali?
Can you please help me pick out ......... birthday present for my father?
......... President of the United States will be visiting Australia next week.