ESL, pradinis lygis

Conversations and Comprehension (2)

Police officer: Were you harmed in any way?Store Clerk: No, but he had a gun. He pointed it at me and then I gave him the money. He just took the money and ran.Police Officer: Can you describe him?Store Clerk: Yes, he had brown hair and was about 6 feet tall. He was wearing a blue jacket and blue jeans.What happened at the store? ..........
Joe: Did you like that new movie?Tim: Yes, it was great. I saw it with my wife and my sister. But my wife thought it was too violent.Joe: Really? My wife loved it.Who thought the movie was too violent? ..........
Brad: I have to work on Saturday. I have to shoot some photos of a waterfall. What are you up to?Jane: Not much, I have to work around the house. Is Beth coming with you?Brad: No, she's staying home. You should give her a call if you have time.What's Brad's profession? ..........
Laura: The college students put on some great theatrical productions in the college auditorium. Are you going to the performance this weekend?Tom: I think we're going on Saturday night. How about you?Laura: I bought tickets for Friday.Where will the performance take place? ..........
Susan: What are you making for Thanksgiving dinner this year?Angie: We're going to have a vegetarian meal but I'm not sure about the specific meal plan yet. What is Angie going to exclude from Thanksgiving dinner this year? ..........
Customer: Hi, I'm looking for some slim cut jeans about size 30.Clerk: Yes, we have some right here. What color do you want?Customer: I want the darker ones. Can I try them on?Clerk: Sure, the fitting rooms are right over there.What does the customer want? ..........
Kevin: Hi. I'm hoping that you can help me with my computer. Your advertisement says that you're an experienced technician.Steve: Sure, what's the problem?Kevin: I think I have a virus. My laptop is really slow these days and it spontaneously shuts down all the time.Steve: Hmmm. Let me have a look.What is Steve's profession? ..........
Brandie: My daughter is really bossy. I'm not sure what I should do about it because she's only a toddler. The other day she pushed my friend's little boy because he tried to play with one of her toys.Laurie: I think you should take away her toys when she acts like that.Brandie: I've tried but that doesn't seem to work.How old is Brandie's daughter? ..........
Jack: I'm really confused about what the boss expects from me. Early this morning, she told me to focus on the Murray account all morning but then, an hour later, she ordered me to pick up her dry cleaning immediately.Karen: Yes, she's difficult to work for because she changes her mind very quickly and she mixes personal tasks with business ones all the time.What personal task did Jack's boss ask him to do? ..........
Customer: Hi. I want a flight and hotel package for two to Las Vegas next month.Travel Agent: OK. Is that for two adults?Customer: Yes, my fiance and I are going to finally tie the knot.Travel Agent: Oh, congratulations. How exciting!What is the customer going to do in Las Vegas? ..........