ESL, pradinis lygis

Vocabulary Practice: Ants (1)

Like many other insects, ants have six .......... Ants can run very fast because these are strong.
Ants usually ......... between 45 to 60 days. Their lifespan is short.
Worker ants are .......... This means that they cannot reproduce.
However, queen ants lay eggs. But, it's the worker ants that take ......... of the eggs.
Ants work together in colonies. For example, some ants remove ......... or garbage from the nest.
Black ants don't ......... or sting. However, they do squirt acid to protect themselves.
Ants are ......... creatures and live in colonies together.
Ants are very ......... for their size. Some can lift 10 times their own body weight!
Ants ......... young ants a variety of things. For example, older ants will show younger ants how to hunt for food.
Most ants are either red or black in ..........