ESL, pradinis lygis

Conversations and Comprehension (3)

Man: I don't feel well tonight. I have an upset stomach.Woman: Maybe it was the food at the restaurant. It didn't taste right.Narrator: What does the man mean? .........
Woman: What's wrong with Sarah? She seems a little preoccupied.Man: Her husband lost his job a couple of months ago and they are desperately trying to make ends meet at the moment.Narrator: What does the man mean? .........
Mother: I just saw your report card and it looks like you will have to pull your socks up next semester.Son: I know Mom. I will.Mother: Good, because your grades are important.Narrator: What does the mother mean? .........
Woman: Do you want to see that movie tonight?Man: Not really. The last romantic comedy we saw bored the pants off of me.Narrator: What does the man mean? .........
Woman: I've had it with my boss! He's completely unrealistic about our goals and wants me to work overtime again tonight!Man: Do you get overtime pay?Woman: Are you kidding? I have a salary position.Narrator: What does the woman mean? .........
Man: How did you like that restaurant?Woman: I wasn't really crazy about it at all. The pasta was kind of bland and the service wasn't that great.Man: I agree. I think we should try another place next weekend.Narrator: What does the woman mean? .........
Woman: I'm having a really hard time right now. I liked the old system a lot and I can't seem to wrap my head around the new system at all.Man: Let's sit down and talk about it after lunch.Woman: Thanks. I really appreciate your patience.Man: No problem.Narrator: What does the woman mean? .........
Woman: Don't play favorites with the kids. I know that Jonah is more like you but Liam is your son too.Man: I don't do that at all!Woman: Yes, you do. And Liam is aware of it too.Narrator: What does the woman imply? .........
Man: Can you believe the way John acted last night? He's really lashing out at everyone lately.Woman: I know. He's really stressed about losing his job. We should cut him some slack until his situation improves because he's normally not like that at all.Narrator: What does the woman imply? .........
Woman: My sister was out of line yesterday. She really crossed the line this time.Man: I know. She's really angry and bitter and she took it out on you.Woman: Whatever the case may be, I don't think I want to see her again for awhile.Narrator: What does the woman mean? .........